Greetings friends, wouldn't you agree that the human body is a carriage of FLESH and will respond accordingly to what it is being fed? Yes, you repent of years of sin etc. but if you are still feeding the flesh with flesh and not the spirit but poison then the results will pay out in the end!! Because of our sinful nature, we are naturally carnal and have a desire to sown to the flesh, that is why we must pick our company wisely... in short, stick with God Almighty! In Yeshua Messiah's- Jesus Christ's name read the Word, pray, fast, stick with the economy of God so your heart is healthy!
Keep well 🙏
“The heart is deceitful above all things And it is extremely sick; Who can understand it fully and know its secret motives? I, the Lord, search and examine the mind, I test the heart, To give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds.
Jeremiah 17:9-10 AMP