Greetings friends
I'll make this brief. Following a very, very long debated issue, argued across both Christians and non Christians, which is, 'Is masturbation a sin, and if so, where in the Bible does it SAY it is?'
Well firstly, I personally believe that the act of masturbation IS a sin in the eyes of GOD ALMIGHTY simply because it is an act performed outside of a marriage between a man and a woman, though not to bring out the moral whip and sway off the question and debate, which is again, where in the Scriptures does it say masturbation is a sin?
I have yet to come across scripture that says it is a sin, word for word, verse for verse etc., but take a look at what the Apostle Paul says in 1Corinthians 7:2-6.
I highlight verse 4... The intimacy of sexual intercourse and anything else sexual, is private and strictly between the husband and wife, whose bodies belong to one another.
And, okay Paul says its his personal advice not a commandment, but come on! It's common sense that makes sense because it is GOD ALMIGHTY inspired, right?
Very quickly, back up to chapter 6:19-20 of 1Corinthians, and tell me that isn't crystal clear enough?
(I'm having difficulty uploading the Scriptures 1Corinthians 7:2-6 and 1Corinthians 6:19-20 so I'll put them on a separate page)