Morrning guys, just a quick, remember money is useful for a number of things without going into detail. Money is a handy tool for time management and control, even the BIBLE tells us that wisdom and money is a defence, but without the knowledge of GOD, its pretty much useless. Footnote for the day: Make GOD ALMIGHTY your number one priority morning, noon and night, above all else- above money. Right now my garden needs a serious tune up and money is needed for that, but then, our Lord and Saviour YESHUA MESSIAH- JESUS CHRIST has all the answers and keys. Let's remember, we are in the end times for however long that is, there will be an end to this system of things. Just look at the state of the world now; is it not playing out the pages of the BIBLE to a T? Let us be the Bride of CHRIST and wait for our BRIDEGROOM to take us home!!! Money cannot save your soul, only CHRIST can.
For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense, But the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it.
Ecclesiastes 7:12