Hi guys, just a reminder to us all about the power of the tongue, and how death and life lies there (Proverbs 18:21). After 20 years of working for his uncle Laban, Jacob obeyed the voice of GOD to return to his father Isaac's house with his wives, children and all of which he had rightly accumulated over the years. Just before they left, Rachel; Laban's daughter and one of Jacob's wives stole Laban's household idols (Genesis 31:19). After discovering 3 days later that his son in law and nephew Jacob with his livestock, his daughters, grandchildren- and his household gods- had fled on route to Canaan, Laban pursued and caught up with them. Now Jacob had every right to leave the charge of Laban as he had worked overtime for both of his daughters as well as tended his livestock etc. The LORD had visited Laban in a dream previous, with a warning to be mindful with how he handled the situation with Jacob when he found him. Still, Laban was baffled as to why someone had stolen his household idols and wanted them back. Annoyed and oblivious, Jacob said this:
With whomever you find your gods, do not let him live. In the presence of our brethren, identify what I have of yours and take it with you.” For Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them.
(Genesis 31:32)
Note that Jacob had no idea that his beloved Rachel was behind it! Now, if you read on to chapter 36 where in verse 10 GOD names Jacob, Israel and blesses him, you'll see (from verse 16 onward) that Rachel dies in childbirth... why? GOD was with them, so why? Was it because of Jacob's heated reply to Laban's stolen idols grilling (31:32)? Or could it be because Rachel took the idols/gods of her father's house and unknowingly polluted they're journey? Or maybe because Rachel was of poor health which caused a difficult labour? It gets you thinking, doesn't it?
Before I sign off, here's another coffeespoon for thought; Jephthah's vow to GOD and the sacrifice of his only daughter, which you'll find in Judges 11:30-31/11:34-35.
GOD ALMIGHTY in the name of our Saviour YESHUA is so powerful and merciful and mysterious and just... especially when we do not have the ready answers to what, why and how.
